Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Creative Best

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you've been given and then sink yourself into that.  Don't be impressed with yourself - don't compare yourself with others.  Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.  Galatians 6:4-5 The Message

This is great stuff and such encouraging words for an insecurity-ridden woman like me!  My creative sink myself into it and do the best I can with what God has given, today.

I often find myself saying something to the effect of, "I'm doing the best I can with what I've got" -- or I may encourage someone else with the same words -- knowing that we can all get down on ourselves for not doing better, being smarter, loving more, ________  .... fill in the blank girlfriends.  We are not all that different.

Where do you find yourself lately?  I've hit the mid-forty mark in December and cannot believe how quickly the years go by.  Staring UP at my oldest child even more so makes me realize that my life is but a fleeting moment on God's timeline. 

Oh yeah, sidetracked - back to my thought.....  sometimes we can find ourselves so caught up in the planning for the big creative moment that we lose of those divine surprises that appear out of nowhere.  An opportunity to join God at work using the unique gifts given to each of us.


We find ourselves pondering the years we've "wasted" thinking about doing "something" ....  then finding ourselves doing nothing.  Know what?  I think we may be too hard on ourselves. 

Some of us may not feel all that creative when in actuality we are.  Its really how we look at it, isn't it?  You may be a writer with the ability to pen a story of intrigue and suspense while another is artistically creative -- with paints, clay or a camera.  None of those happen to be my forte.  But....I have ideas that brew in my head, causing me to dream big dreams about a life of risk and adventure.  I have words of wisdom because of where God has allowed me to wander and then brought me back to a place of restoration.  You probably do too!

According to this passage of scripture, God has certainly gifted us with a unique ability to express just how individual we are and creative He is!  It may be a talent or gift....or it may be a vocation....or season.....

So - how can I do the best I can today with what I've got?  Here are a few ideas to get you started:
  • Spend a few more minutes pondering on a passage from God's WORD, rather than rushing through our morning quiet time
  • Linger a little longer on the phone with a friend, intentionally encouraging her (or him)
  • Write a note of encouragement to one of your kids, or a friend
  • Look for a blessing amidst the mundane
  • Set aside an hour or two to work on a creative project...draw a picture....pen a poem
  • Look for those divine surprises in your day - an opportunity to do something for the Kingdom, even if it remains forever unseen
Remember - each of us have been fashioned with God's hands, in His image, for His purposes.  Its up to us to believe this and take the next step in honoring Him with what we've got.  Have a creative day!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so true.
    It pays back so much and only requires a little extra effort.
    Counting blessings and helping others to see their own can go a long way.
