Friday, July 29, 2011

How did I get here?

A video link came to my email box this morning that was just what I needed for encouragement today.  Before me are several opportunities and subsequent decisions.  Perhaps you find yourself in the same situation – facing several options or choices – which do you choose?

I often struggle with past decisions made based upon my belief that God was leading me down a particular path.  Then, when that particular path doesn’t seem to lead to where I thought it would, or if the destination looks different than expected, I find myself confused and begin asking all sorts of questions.

Did I “hear” God correctly?

Were my decisions based I upon what I thought to be best? Or was I really listening to God’s leading?

Was I impatient or impulsive (not all that unusual for me!) or did I step forward too quickly?

How did I get here?  It looks totally unfamiliar!  This was not what I had planned.

Author and speaker Beth Moore gives guidance towards these questions in this video recorded at the Catalyst 2010 conference.  It’s only a few minutes long – watching it makes me want to see more.

Catalyst East 2010: Beth Moore from Catalyst on Vimeo.

Just as Beth shares in this video, perhaps I too have been focusing my energies on the destination rather than on my experience with God while on the journey.  She stresses that we are to focus on the One we are following rather than getting caught up in the destination.  

God’s desire is for a relationship with me and with you – He wants us to know Him and trust Him more today than we did yesterday.  Sometimes God may allow us to take a particular journey in order that we experience His love in a new way – the destination may not be important but the journey sure was! 

This has been my experience on more than just a few occasions.  For some of them, I’m thankful that the place I was headed was not where God would have me remain.  Rather, it was the journey to and back from those places that have given me the ability to know Him differently and trust Him more deeply than I ever had before. 

What about you?  Are you on a journey towards a particular destination or goal and now wonder if you are on the right path?  Have you reached a destination that looks completely different than you expected?

I’m learning to refocus my vision on the One who created me -- the One who places desires and dreams in my heart.  Even though I my get sidetracked, distracted — and even disappointed, I won’t be discouraged.  I know that God can handle my regrets, missteps and failures; and that, when I turn to Him, He can and will work out all things for my good and His glory.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pride, Dignity & Humility

Pride has myriad meanings.  Sometimes it is a healthy, positive feeling -- a sense of pride for belonging to a family, town, school or club; for finally achieving a much sought after accomplishment; or upon reaching an important milestone.   

Pride can also be a feeling of superiority.  One dictionary defined pride as: a high or inordinate opinion of ones own dignity, importance, merit or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing or conduct.    

Hmmmm... sounds a little like thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought.  

“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels”  -  St. Augustine  

The Bible tells us that pride deceives us (Obadiah 1:3), it breeds quarrels (Proverbs 13:10) and leads us to destruction (Proverbs 16:18).  Furthermore, we learn that God despises pride (Proverbs 8:13) and is opposed to those who are proud (James 4:6).  Clearly this is pride that is self-focused – perhaps even taking the credit ourselves when it belongs to God.    

Sometimes we confuse pride with dignity – I once read that pride is something intentionally projected outwardly and dignity is an attitude held within.    

Dignity can be defined as inherent value or worth.  Upon creation, God gave us inherent dignity.  We were formed in His image (Genesis 1:26) and God places high value upon each and every life.  We are the “Apple of His Eye” (Psalm 17:8) and were created to enjoy life as God’s children, to be a blessing to one another, and to work for His purposes.    

Our dignity is not in what we do, it is based upon who God says we are.  So having a sense of dignity is clearly what God desires.    

The opposite of pride is humility.  Humility produces wisdom (Proverbs 11:2), leads to honor (Proverbs 15:33), and brings peace and prosperity (Psalm 37:11).  God sees the humble (Psalm 138:6) and offers them grace and salvation (Psalm 139:4).  

Humility may often be seen as weakness.  However, pursuing it requires a great deal of supernatural strength and inner discipline.    

“Pride is concerned with who is right, humility is concerned with what is right”
 – Ezra Taft Benson  

Recognizing my pride and choosing to pursue humility is not without challenges.  I can begin by putting others needs first, balancing my personal responsibilities with the pursuit of my dreams, and ascribing the good that comes from my life to God alone.    

Sometimes my pride is a fence that limits intimacy amidst meaningful relationships.  It can be hard (and humbling!) to acknowledge and take responsibility for when my actions have hurt another (without listing all the reasons or excuses for my behavior).    

God’s plan for me (and you too!) is so much more than self-centered, empty pursuits.  When I pursue God-given desires, I live my life around God rather than myself.  When our plans are God-centered, we open the door to opportunity for God to work through us – ultimately reflecting the King of all creation.  

Author and speaker Beth Moore refers to pride as the vicious enemy and humility as a friend.  She shares this poem in one of her books –
My name is Pride. I am a cheater.
I cheat you of your God-given destiny…
because you demand your own way.
I cheat you of contentment…
because you “deserve better than this.”
I cheat you of knowledge…
because you already know it all.
I cheat you of healing…
because you are too full of you to forgive.
I cheat you of holiness…
because you refuse to admit when you are wrong.
I cheat you of vision…
because you’d rather look in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship…
because nobody’s going to know the real you.
I cheat you of love…
because real romance demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in heaven…
because you refuse to wash another’s feet on earth.
I cheat you of God’s glory…
because I convinced you to seek your own.
My name is Pride. I am a cheater.
You like me because you think I’m always looking out for you.
I’m looking to make a fool of you.
God has so much for you, I admit, but don’t worry…
If you stick with me you’ll never know.  

I’m learning to re-direct any credit given me to the One that deserves it.  God.  I want nothing--especially pride--to hinder any work that God is doing in me or through me.  I’ve learned the hard way that sometimes, my prideful pursuits truly do lead to destruction! Yet thankfully, God’s grace and mercy can overcome anything.  And as I pursue humility through His strength – it makes a way for God to pour out His blessing upon me.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Chatting with a dreamer.....

The other day I had tea with a fellow dreamer.

She’s living out her dream.  As she shared stories of her journey so far -- there was fresh excitement in her voice and new joy in her eyes.  She’s worked hard, sacrificed and juggled multiple roles to reach this point in her dream. 

We cried – dreams really do come true.

Part of her dream involves rescuing the oppressed and exploited.  She is a warrior who has joined the ranks of other brave freedom fighters on a mission to combat horrific injustices.  This strong army is committed to fan the flame of hope in the hearts of the hopeless, forgotten, and cast aside throughout the farthest reaches of our world.

I’m living out my dream too – but like my fellow dreamer, I’m learning that endurance, discipline and balance are all part of keeping the pace on this journey.  

I need endurance to keep going when the road to my dream leads uphill.  I find that the slightest rejection, tremor of fear or rising insecurity can slow me down.   It happens to all of us, doesn’t it?  We think our dreams are too lofty, too expensive or too time consuming and push them off into a remote corner of our heart.  Don’t give up on your dream!  Try spending time with other dreamers who will cheer you on – its amazing how quickly our strength is renewed with just a few words of encouragement. 

I need discipline to continue pursuing my dream.  Discipline involves training and having a regular pattern of ongoing behavior.   Some dream journeys will require that we set aside a specific time each day, each week or each month working on our dream.  Try developing a plan and setting a regular schedule that will take you farther down the road of your dream journey. 

I need balance so that I’m not thrown off course.  For me, balance is my greatest challenge amidst this particular season of life.  As a wife and mother, four other lives depend upon me for certain needs – and believe me – there are many needs to be met!  Many of you have jobs and family obligations that require a significant amount of your time too.  So – maintaining balance amidst life’s priorities will enable us to devote time to our dream while fulfilling our responsibilities.  We may have to enlist the help of those closest to us – sharing our dream with them and asking for extra understanding and support during a busy season.  Having those you love involved in your dream journey can be extra-rewarding – they share in the joy of a dream fulfilled!

What about you?  Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing but don’t know where to begin?  Or – perhaps your dream seems so out-of-reach that you have long since shrugged it off as silly or unattainable.  You may be surprised at how easy it is to take that first step towards realizing your dream.  Putting your dream on paper is a good place to begin – and while you’re thinking about it….consider sharing your dream with someone who has achieved theirs.  Chances are they have some journey stories that will encourage and inspire you.  

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other” – Douglas H. Everett

If you have a dream that you would like to share – I would love to read it.  Take that first step of writing it down and email it to me at